Eye Health

List of Contents


Healing the Eye with Dr. Edward Kondrot, MD

 Spiritual MP3s for the Eyesight

Famous Eye-trainers

Please read my Disclaimer on this website.



Systematic Eye-Therapy

Reincarnation Therapy

Vision Food



Vitamins for the Eyes

Causes of Eye Problems, Vitamin D3 Deficiency

Chemicals Causing Red Eyes




Lighting and Computer Glasses to Protect Your Eyesight

3D Pictures

Books and Information about Eye-training

Reading Problems and Dyslexia



Affirmations and Afformations 

Energy Work



A Sun Exercise








   There are a great number of eye-training books on the market. More and more people are deciding to look after their eyes and do simple exercises to improve their vision. 

Some people have spectacular success and are able to improve their eyesight in a very short time just by doing half an hour’s eye-training every day for a few months. 

Others try really hard and do exercises every day and have no success. 

This is because healing of the eyes takes place on many levels, not only on the physical side. 

Our thoughts and our emotions also play an important part in the way we see. 

Limiting beliefs and emotional conflicts can negatively affect clear vision.  You need to release pent up emotions stored in your eyes, such as fear, guilt, anger and shame. 


 Fortunately, we now have some very good healers offering online courses to help us release these negative emotions. You will find information about these below.



Dr. Edward Kondrot, MD, Named President of the Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association.       https://healingtheeye.com

The New Kondrot Restore Vision Program - Eye Surgeon reveals how to restore your vision without drugs, shots or surgery!  Dr Kondrot reveals breakthrough treatments for cataracts, macular degeneration and Glaucoma and many other potentially serious vision disorders.



(As always, get onto their email lists and look out for special offers).

Please be aware that these methods may take weeks, months or even longer to have any effect. Everyone is different.  All these methods do not replace a doctor. Please read the Disclaimer on my website first.


LYNN WALDROP, the Body Channel     https://thebodychannel.com 


Eyesight Remote Remedy Series and The Detox 7 MP3s

Lynn Waldrop suggests that you run all 7 of the Detox MP3s daily for at least 1 - 2 weeks for best results before doing the Eyesight Remote Remedies.

The most common vision problems are refractive errors - also known as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. But these are only a few of the many issues that Lynn will be working on (see more below).

She will also be moving through each individual part of the eye with both preventative and remedial energies for optimal eye health. Plus, the energies to change TFEs (Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions) housed in the eye, "Sayings" we have bought into about the eye, Ageing and other Judgments about the eye and Past Life issues and traumas.

Some more issues are: Night Vision / Night Driving; Glaucoma; Macular Degeneration and Age; Cataracts; Glares and halos; Light Sensitivity; Floaters; Lazy Eye and Cross Eye; Tear Ducts, Dry Eye and Lubrication; Double Vision; Eye Detox - pink eye, styes and more; Retina Health; Vitamin Deficiency and Eyesight; TFEs; Past Life issues and Traumas; Planetary / Electro-Magnetic Shifts and many more. I am quoting here from Lynn Waldrop's website, please see https://thebodychannel.com  for more information.


JADE-YIN HOM       https://cosmicbodymind.com      


The spiritual healer, Jade-Yin Hom, had a programme at realrawyou.com some years ago, run by Jeneth Blackert.

Jeneth says, "Your eyes are more than sensory organs, they are extensions of your spirit and consciousness. Eyes and eyesight are also impacted by emotional and psycho-spiritual issues. 

Jade's work on eyesight goes beyond the biomedical model of traditional medicine and the medical intuitive model that assigns an emotional issue to every ailment.

She works with Light Alchemy - patterns of light information to restore your eyes to their original Divine Blueprint."


Jade-Yin has a 10-week eyesight improvement online course on her website.

It is a good idea to get on her e-mail list for special offers. She is frequently on the You Wealth Revolution Show with Darius Barazandeh - https://youwealthrevolution.com


Here is a selection of audios to show you what she can do.

  Energetic support for the eyes.

  Energetic Spinal Adjustments to Support Eyesight

  Energetic Craniosacral Adjustment to Support Eyesight





  Glaucoma and many more.


DIPAL SHAH at https://ananda4life.com   and https://dipalshah.com

Dipal Shah has an Eye Health MP3.

"This will help you with nearsightedness, farsightedness, double vision, astigmatism, glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, allergies and more". (I am quoting from her website).




Please also look at the section on Tapping and Systematic Eye-Therapy.




It is a well kept secret that thousands of people have been able to improve their eye-sight by doing eye-training exercises. We are deeply indebted to the pioneers of eye-training Dr.med.William H. Bates (1860-1931), Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) and Harry Benjamin. The titles of their books are given below.


There are many films on YouTube about improving your eyesight. 


First of all I would like to give you the names of 7 successful eye-trainers, the titles of their books, DVDs, CDs and websites where you can read about their seminars. I’ll give them to you in alphabetical order because they are all good. 


They are: Martin Brofman; Janet and Carina Goodrich; Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer; Jacob Liberman, Greg Marsh, Mirsakarim Norbekov and Meir Schneider

Famous Eye-Trainers

MARTIN BROFMAN 1940 - 2014          https://fondation-brofman.org


Martin Brofman was the founder of the Brofman Foundation for the Advancement of Healing.

He trained many instructors and they are teaching his healing and vision improvement methods worldwide.

Thousands have found improved vision through the Brofman method. Martin Brofman was a pioneer in vision improvement and exploring the nature of the body/mind interface.



Anything Can Be Healed

Improve Your Vision

The White Light Vision Improvement CD which is in two parts:

1.     White Light Vision Meditation

2.     White Light Eye Exercises

The Inner Cause - A Psychology of Symptoms from A to Z

His books have been published until now in 16 languages.


JANET AND CARINA GOODRICH.     No website but videos on YouTube by Carina Goodrich


Natural Vision Improvement, Improve your eyesight and enjoy life more by  Janet Goodrich


This book is published by Penguin, Health/Medicine. On the back cover it says the following: Clear sight without glasses is your birthright. Drop the glasses. Learn a new way to see. Improve your eyesight with relaxing, effective vision games.


You need this book if you are: shortsighted, longsighted, using reading glasses or bifocals, desiring excellent eye coordination and fusion, suffering from ‘computer or aching eyes, willing to adopt good vision habits now to prevent problems later.


Janet Goodrich wrote in this book that the changing of vision can be a spiritual adventure as well. (Please see the preface).


How to Improve Your Child’s Eyesight Naturally. A Thoughtful Parent’s Guide by Janet Goodrich.


The Practical Guide to Natural Vision Improvement by Carina Goodrich. “The Personal Eyesight Training Kit to do by yourself at home if you have Myopia, Hyperopia or Astigmatism and want to make some “real progress with your natural vision improvement and enjoy yourself in the process, this is just what you need.


WOLFGANG HÄTSCHER-ROSENBAUER     https://institut-fuer-sehtraining.de (please click on the red square, top, right)


for German speakers: Augenschule mit Farbtherapie by Wolfgang Hätscher-Rosenbauer.


You do not need to speak German to enjoy the second part of this book. There are 80 pages of geometric forms in various colours. You can experience amazing flashes of light and shining colours if you look at these pictures for a little while! Look at the black, grey or white page when you have finished with one colour. It is an amazing book and the colours are very good for your eyes.



Augenschule für gesundes Sehen, Das erfolgreiche Programm zur Stärkung der Sehkraft und zur Vorbeugung von Fehlsichtigkeit. Mit 20 Kurzübungen für das tägliche Training.  

Rasterbrille Das Augentraining nicht nur für Brillenträger


Wolfgang has now retired from teaching eye-training and three other eye-trainers are continuing with this work in Germany:

Marianne Wiendl in Starnberg at the Sehakademie and Naturheilzentrum für Sehen und Gesundheit


Sylvia Gelman in Dieburg.      https://augenschule-gelman.de

Susanne Hitschold in Kauthausen        https://visiovital.de       and https://sehgut.de

You can buy all kinds of helpful things connected with eye-training exercises at visiovital.de   WARNING: Do not use shifters if you have epilepsy or are prone to seizures or vertigo.


An eye pillow is very relaxing for the eyes. You lie down, close your eyes, place the pillow on your eyes, and enjoy the soothing darkness.

Please see https://mellowed.com for reviews of Top 5 Eye Pillows and Eye Bags (Ranked and Reviewed)


If you click on duckduckgo -  Eye pillows for relaxation, you can see very many pictures of eye pillows and where to buy them.

You can buy eye pillows from: amazon  -  Lavender eye pillow; Happy Wraps Yoga Flax Seed Eye Pillow; Natural Bamboo Soothing Sinus Eye Pillow with Lavender; Earth Therapeutics Mind/Body Therapy Anti-Stress Eye Pillow; Flax Seed Eye Pillow with Lavender Buds


In Germany

visiovital.de     -  Augenkissen

pranahaus.de   -  Rosenquarz-Augenmaske (an eye pillow made of small pink crystals)


JACOB LIBERMAN           https://jacobliberman.org


Jacob Liberman has treated more than 15,000 patients in his Institute in Aspen/Colorado

"There are many paths to explore consciousness. Dr Liberman's path - the path of light and vision - is beautifully explored in Luminous Life. I highly recommend this book."  Amit Goswami, PhD

You can find books, products, videos and audios on his website.



Luminous Life

Take Off Your Glasses and See: A Mind/Body Approach to Expanding Your Eyesight and Insight

Light: Medicine of the Future, How We Can Use It to Heal Ourselves Now by Dr. Jacob Liberman

Wisdom from an Empty Mind



GREG MARSH         https://bettereyesightnow.com


Greg Marsh is a Certified Natural Vision Teacher and has helped thousands of people to improve their eyesight, either directly or through his audio courses.


Audio Courses

Visualize Clear Eyesight: Dissolve Visual Strain, See with Ease

Reclaim Your Eyesight Naturally: Complete Programme

Relax Your Way to Clearer Sight

Better Eyesight Now - The Basics


MIRSAKARIM NORBEKOV          https://norbekovsystem.com


His book on eye-training is a world-wide bestseller and has been translated into many languages. It is called:

“The experience of a fool who had an epiphany about how to get rid of his glasses

Norbekov’s eye-training method is so successful that he was not allowed to give seminars in a certain country for fear of bankrupting the optician industry!  He mentions this in his book. 




Meir Schnider was born blind and after five unsuccessful surgeries his doctors pronounced his condition hopeless. He began to do the Bates Method eye-training exercises just before his 17th birthday and within six months he could recognise visual objects for the first time in his life. His eyesight greatly improved in the following years and he decided to pass on his knowledge of self-healing to others.

Please see his website for his amazing story. He has an Email Newsletter.


Meir Schneider has an online course at https://happyvize.com called Natural Vision Improvement.

Meir can help you: Do simple exercises to improve your vision

Prevent or get rid of reading and prescription glasses

Prevent cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinal detachments, and others

Overcome legal blindness (this program did for Meir!)



Vision For Life: 10 Steps to Natural Eyesight Improvement (2nd Edition)

        and Companion DVD

The Natural Vision Improvement Kit

Awakening Your Power of Self Healing (latest book)

Movement for Self-Healing

Yoga for Your Eyes

Meir Schneider's Miracle Eyesight Method

Self-Healing: My Life and Vision