I am very grateful to have been inspired to write many poems these last twenty years.
I would like to begin with my favourite poem: Listen to the Song of Your Soul. You can find this one and many others in my book, Salt Cross Poems, sold by Amazon worldwide. Enjoy!
Listen to the song of your soul,
Listen to the message you've never been told.
Days do come and days do go
Nights are long
And full of dreams
Reality is nothing
Like what it seems.
Your soul is there
To make you aware
Of another world
Seemingly far away
But yet
In a marvellous way
Close to you
A part of you.
You just have to
Listen to the song of your soul
Listen to the message you've never been told.
FLOWER MY GARDEN by Daphne Gulland
Flower my garden!
Hold back the swirl of passing time.
Let me lie in your welcome shade
And contemplate my future life
Surrounded by your beauty and serenity.
Flower my garden,
Garden of my life.
And the garden of my life replied:
'Dear Nature's child, so sweet and mild,
I cannot make time stand still,
That's not God's purpose or His will.
Dedicate your future years
To stamping out this Earth's tears.
And when your life is through and done
You'll come and join me in the rays of the sun,
Shining and smiling as my wife
Onto the garden of your life.'
Flower, flower, flower my garden,
Dearest garden of my life.
RIVER OF MY DREAMS by Daphne Gulland
River of my dreams flow on
Fill my world with your dainty song.
Tell me, should I buy this house?
And live here for the rest of my life?
Will it make me happy or sad,
Fill me with unspoken dread?
Or will I fall in love with it
And many hours enchanted sit
On the emerald-green and manicured lawn
Surrounded by flowers, wild or high-born.
Let the walls echo with my laughter and tears
May it be my fate to pass the years
Within this house, may it enchanted be,
River of my dreams, fulfil my destiny.
LOVE IN THE AUTUMN by Daphne Gulland
Leaves and flowers
In heaps and bowers.
How we love to see their colours,
Turning from white to red and pink and lilac.
There is no end to their manifold beauty.
In the eyes of the sun and the beams of its light,
There are many wondrous works of art,
Hidden away under clouds and trees,
Just waiting for us to arrive and see.
Innocent eyes so bright and blue
Darker eyes like almonds too.
What wonders there are for us to behold.
We look back and remember the
Yearnings of our soul
And laugh and sigh and laugh once more,
Our fingers gliding through the
Colours of love
Floating on the wings of a dove
Guardian, guardian of my dreams
This is my world, this is how it seems.
Let me leave reality
And enter my own fantasy.
Please turn night into day
And let me dream my life away.
Ghosts and elves and angels too,
What I dream is up to you.
In my dreams I do transcend
Shifting sands to no man's lands.
Let me go slipping, sliding,
Deja-vu abiding.
Let me read the signs of the universe
And understand coincidence.
Guardian, guardian of my dreams,
Tell us how it really seems.
When I awake to the cold light of day,
I find my world in disarray.
What the hell and what the heck,
I want my dreams,
I want them back.
Guardian, guardian,
Do I abide in a valley of dreams?
Shall I stand down there and stare,
Wait till the truth be laid bare?
Or can I fly to the mountain top,
Then look down
And understand the lot?
Elephants and hyenas, albatrosses and pigs,
These are amongst my favourite things.
In the Himalayas where the snow does fall
I see the One who made them all.
How I long for times long ago
When I saw my enemy fail to show.
With fleeting glance and cowardly tail
He would inch his way back home again.
Now the time has come to say these words -
My greatest hope is they will be heard.
Elephants and hyenas, albatrosses and pigs,
All sit beside me in united grief.
'We must change our ways', our planet sighs.
Dear Mother Earth, our dearest friend.
The time has come to make amends
To live our lives in peace again.
When our planet spins and turns
We all do jump aside and hear
In vain and yet once more again
The wheels do screech and groan
For here is the message from Merlin:
Learn to love and find your peace
For once we succeed in that
Our Mother Earth will overcome
All pain and suffering and smile again.
CIRCLE OF STONE by Daphne Gulland
I’m standing here in my
Circle of stone
For this here is my
Spiritual home.
The waves do splash
And whip against the cliffs.
The winds do howl
And roar and wail.
I’m standing here in my
Circle of stone
For this here is my spiritual home.
The gulls do fly
Across the sky.
The deer do fleet
From tree to tree.
Life goes on
And on and on.
Kings and queens do come and go
But I stay here in my
Circle of stone
For this here is my spiritual home.
RED DRAGON TIME by Daphne Gulland
I’ve got Celtic blood in my veins
Flowing like water foaming out of the earth
Surrounded by air that is everywhere
I sit here waiting beside Merlin’s grave.
I’ve got dragon’s blood in my veins
It’s red and strong and gushes along
I rise and dive and glide along
Till I arrive at Avalon.
I’ve got Merlin’s blood in my veins
It’s filled with love from the stars above
It’s full of power and hope
And I see the phoenix rising from the flames
Which tells me Mother Earth will be happy again.
WALES by Daphne Gulland
Sparkling blue seas
And fluffy white clouds
High up on a hill
Surrounded by trees
A mighty magician once stood.
Merlin was his name
And his home was the wood.
It was a wild wood
And dangerous for his foe.
But for Merlin it was safe,
He knew where to go.
He is still there today
You just have to call him.
Show him respect
And deep love
For his trees
And he will transport you
Through the mists of time
To his famous stone circle
Where you may stand with him
And cast a spell
That with Mother Earth
All may be well.
LAND’S END by Daphne Gulland
Mighty waves crash against the rocks
Thunder fills the air
Lightning flashes in the sky
Black clouds go rolling by.
Then all is still
The air is clean
We creep out of our hidey-holes
And stand on the shore.
We look to the east
And we look to the west
Waves still crash against the rocks
But the thunder is there no more.
Land’s End, what mighty storms you have seen!
And you have survived them all.
Your fortitude fills us with hope.
We, too, shall live forever more.
THE WATERFALL by Daphne Gulland
Little drops do start to flow
And all the time do bigger grow
Bigger and bigger
Gaining power and strength
Just as they do now
So they did
A thousand years ago.
This waterfall
Is in a very secret place
In the middle of a beautiful wood.
Long, long ago
Merlin here with Arthur stood.
Druids teaching and learning
Their hearts filled
With love and yearning.
The waterfall watches them
And splashes on
Happy and carefree
Singing its song
As it gushes along –
Until the end of time.
FLOWERS AND TREES by Daphne Gulland
Flowers, brought forth by
Mother Earth,
Miniature works of art
To gladden our hearts,
To fill us with wonder
And awe.
Trees of all
Shapes and sizes,
Giving us their energy and love.
How bleak would our world be
Without a flower or a tree.
DOLPHINS by Daphne Gulland
Dolphins, how I love to watch you play
In and out of the water every day.
What a joy it is to see you.
If you could laugh
We would surely hear you.
If you could cry
We would surely comfort you.
Dear dolphins,
We are here to make amends,
We are here to be your friends.
Times are changing now.
From days of sadness,
Days of woe,
What a long way we had to go,
How many years you had to wait.
But times are changing now
We shall protect you
From your foe
Because now we are filled with love
From top to toe.
We no longer have far to go.
WHALES by Daphne Gulland
Dear whales and dolphins of the sea,
we wish you well.
We know it is hard for you.
The drums send
deadly, destructive, devastating
sonic waves through the sea,
pounding your ear drums
penetrating your brains
and nervous systems,
pounding, pounding
piercing, piercing
without end.
You end up as beached whales
in your hundreds
upon the shores.
There is only one thing
we can do:
it is up to us
to make it
Thank you for reading my poems. It would be very much appreciated if you could make a generous donation to the WDCS
who are doing very much to protect whales and dolphins. www.wdcs.org
You can read about adopting a dolphin here: www.adoptadolphin.com
We urgently need your help to stop whaling www.whales.org Thank you.
Sonar towers are a huge problem that the WDCS is very active in opposing. There is an article on the www.wdcs.org website called "Oceans of Noise" please seee www.edcs.org/submissions_bin/OceanofNoise.pdf
Dear visitors to my website,
Tracy Patrick has published many of my poems these last nine years in her Earth Love poetry magazine. Sadly, the time has come for the magazine to say goodbye but you can still enjoy poetry on her new website: www.earthlovepoetrymagazine.yolasite.com
I am sorry, this section should be under Ascension.
Many spiritual teachers and authors are talking about Ascension. I have collected several books here for you to read about this subject. There are also videos on YouTube and online courses and MPs to prepare you for this exciting event.
DIANA COOPER https://dianacooper.com
I would first of all like to quote from the back cover of The Golden Future - What to Expect and How to Reach the Fifth Dimension - by Diana Cooper.
"The current period, between 2012 and 2032, is the most important that there has even been in the history of the planet. A new fifth-dimensional Golden Age is imminent. It will be a time of peace and happiness, of caring and sharing, and of community togetherness - all supported by incredible spiritual technology. With pure water, healthy food and free eco-power, the world as we know it will have changed beyond recognition for the better. This is inevitable."
"Work with Diana's guidance, visualisations and advanced ascension tools to open your higher chakras and raise your frequency, so that you are ready to embrace the new Golden Age."
This book is available in paperback and Kindle. An Oracle Golden Age Card deck will be published next year.
Diana Cooper received an angelic visitation that transformed her life many years ago. She is now the bestselling author of 34 books, which have been published in 28 languages. Diana specialises in spiritual subjects including angels, unicorns, dragons and Atlantis. She teaches internationally and is the founder of The Diana Cooper School of White Light. https://dianacooper.com
One especially interesting recording by Diana is:
Activate Your Codes of Rejuvenation and Regeneration to Build your Crystalline Light Body.
You can find Diana's online recordings on her website under Workshop Recordings with a full description of them.
All of Diana's online workshops are recorded and can be purchased to watch at any time. Each maintaining the powerful energy of the original event.
Here are two books by Diana Cooper and Kathy Crosswell https://kathycrosswell.com https://healingorbs.com
Enlightenment Through Orbs
Ascension Through Orbs
THE ASCENSION TOOLKIT by David Essery and Tim Whild https://ascension-toolkit.com
https://david-essery.com. https://timwhild.com
"David and Tim would like to welcome you to an online resource of collective knowledge, tools and information that has been compiled to give you a go-to for whatever you are presented with. Tim and David have extensive experience with the ascension process and have been working with the methods presented for many years. Although the spiritual world is filled with a cornucopia of information, they both felt that it was necessary to gather the most commonly asked questions (and situations) and explain them simply and effectively.
This resource is designed to grow from a base of information. As you familiarise yourself with one section there will be others added to keep the flow of knowledge up to date. Everything within is designed to be applicable to the new energies that we are experiencing on Earth and the ever-evolving transition of consciousness of those around us."
ADRIAN LEE does GROUP DEEP AKASHIC RECORD CLEARING on various topics every month or so. To join, you need to get on his email list. His website is https://adrianleeenergy.com "When you are in alignment, the magic starts to happen"
DR JOSHUA STONE https://lighttechnology.com
Dr Joshua Stone was an American author who wrote about spiritual psychology. As a teacher and spokesperson, he predominantly taught about the Ascension movement and meditation techniques.
1. The Complete Ascension Manual - How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime
2. Soul Psychology - Keys to Ascension
3. Beyond Ascension - How to Complete the Seven Levels of Initiation
4. Hidden Mysteries - ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension
5. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - The Ascended Masters Light the Way; Beacons of Ascension
6. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - Cosmic Ascension, Your Cosmic Map Home
7. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - A Beginner's Guide to the Path of Ascension
8. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing; Revelations of Sai Baba and the A. Masters
9. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - Manual for Planetary Leadership
10. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - Your Ascension Mission; Embracing Your Puzzle Piece
11. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate
12. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - How to Teach Ascension Classes
13. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - Ascension and Spiritual Relationships
14. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - Complete Ascension Index
15. The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - How to be Financially Successful; A Spiritual Perspective
NEALE DONALD WALSCH https://nealedonaldwalsch.com
Neale Donald Walsch recommends us to read these two books of his which are perfect for this time of change.
Conversations with God, Book 4
The Storm Before the Calm - A New Human Manifesto
and his new book is God Talk - "in which he explains how God talks to all of us in a hundred ways across a thousand moments, using feelings, words, images, ideas, metaphors and events that can change lives for the better forever."
LEE HARRIS https://leeharrisenergy.com
"Lee is a globally acclaimed Energy Intuitive, Channeler, Author and Musician. His grounded, practical teachings focus on the expansion of your intuition and awareness, to help you live a more heart-centred life."
Lee Harris has a big selection of MP3s and courses. You can read the descriptions on his website. Here are a few:
2020 - 2030: The Golden Age of Connection -"Lee and his guides, the Zs, share their insights on the coming decade of great change for our planet and our cosmic family of human beings. They explain that despite the seeming tumult of these times, 2020 - 2030 can truly be a golden period for lightworkers and those seeking to bring peace, love and healing to the world around them."
"You are here as ambassadors of light, ambassadors of love, ambassadors of change."
Anchoring the Light (2021 - 2024) and Navigating the Storm (2021 - 2024) This is a 2 MP3 set.
"The period of time that we are in is energetically very tumultuous, testing and challenging. Yet at the same time, it has higher frequencies than many of us have ever experienced before. These channeled recordings are designed to offer you support any time you feel like you're either navigating or being battered by the storm, or needing to bring more light to your present awareness and your life journey."
Why Your Soul Came to Earth - Why am I here? Why did I come to this planet? The Zs share their unique perspective on why souls choose the Earth experience and how that choice benefits the planet.
Rise of the Lightworkers (2027 - 2024) and Path of the Lightworker (2017 - 2024)
"You are a lightworker. In your own unique way, you change the frequencies of the people and places you touch. In this session, Lee and the Zs turn up the dial on the spiritual power within you that is so important on the planet at this time.
For decades we have heard predictions of a time of global mass awakening. Lee and the Zs help us from a more grounded perspective as we move forward into the coming seven year era of shift and change on our planet."
PORTAL TO ASCENSION with Neil Gaur https://portaltoascension.org
(in preparation)
NEXT LEVEL SOUL with ALEX FERRARI on youtube.com https://nextlevelsoul.com
"Next Level Soul founder Alex Ferraro is a best-selling author, podcaster, speaker, entrepreneur and filmmaker. Throughout his life, Alex always asked the big questions: Why are we here? Is this all there is? What is my Soul's mission in this life? He developed Next Level Soul to help people around the world get closer to their own higher power to look inward for the answers they are searching for.
The Next Level Soul Podcast discusses all the mysteries of life's journey and reality. Topics like: Spirituality, Near Death Experiences, Channellers, Quantum Physics, Creativity, Ancient Civilisations, Lost History, Spiritual Masters, End of Life, Mindset, and Healing and Wellness." Alex has FREE Spiritual Masterclasses on his website.
JIM SELF Https://MasteringAlchemy.com
Jim Self is an international teacher, speaker, and author who has been leading seminars on the tools of Mastering Alchemy for almost 30 years.
The Shift - What it is … Why it's happening … How it is affecting you and the mastering of Alchemy
A Course in Mastering Alchemy: The Tools to Help You Shift, Transform and Ascend
Ascension Angel Messages by Melanie Beckler - "Ascension is the path of love and is available for all who are willing to consciously evolve through aligning with higher consciousness and with the Divine."
Ascension 101 - A Roadmap for your Soul by Kimberly Palm - "a guide book for all spiritual seekers to assist them on their spiritual journey and help them navigate through the ascension process that we and Mother Earth are all going through now as a collective. This book contains spiritual, esoteric and metaphysical information that was mostly channeled through the author from Yeshua (Christ)."
Ascension - Connecting with the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light by Susan Shumsky
"Beyond the mortal boundaries of your physical form, you are an immortal being, living forever in a beauteous, radiant body of luminous spheres of multiple dimensions. Through this book, you can begin to awaken your true immortal self."
Ascension - Divine Stories of Awakening the Whole and Holy Being Within - A Common Sentience book
"To know where you are going in life, you must first understand your past. Ascension scholar William Henry shows us Ascension is not an ancient activity that happens after your death. In fact, there has never been a time in history when so many people are actively working toward, or living, their ascension."
The Secret of Sion - Jesus's Stargate, the Beaming Garment and the Galactic Core in Ascension Art
William Henry has an online course called Rainbow Light Body and Living Ascension at Sacred U. https://courses.sacredstories.com
Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdom - Activations to Connect with Universal Spiritual Guides by Kyle Gray
"Anyone can connect and work with the Ascended Masters. This book will help you open to their divine intelligence and receive their support and guidance as your sacred journey unfolds."
Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Volumes 1 and 2 from the 9D Arcturian Council channelled by Daniel Scranton https://danielscranton.com
David Wilcock https://divinecosmos.com https://thedisclosure.com
David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilisations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy.
The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
Awakening in the Dream
The Source Field Investigations
The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? - Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation
The Synchronicity Key - The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You
The Michael Prophecies - the digital versions of all seven Michael Prophecies at https://thedisclosure.com
It is reassuring to know that according to Archangel Michael the Solar Flares will not destroy the Earth but will help us raise our consciousness.
"The Handbook of the Navigator breaks all the traditional rules regarding the paranormal, metaphysics, and spiritual discovery. Eric Pepin effectively directs the reader into an altered state of consciousness, delivering a cascade of revelations regarding the mind, the universe, and ultimately what we consider God to be. He demonstrates how to directly plug into an empowering and limitless 'Force', and reveals why some human beings are destined to ultimately seek it out.
The information literally creates a vibration of thought called 'Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.' You will achieve this vibration from a series of thought patterns induced by the material in this book. It provides the missing link to your own personal revelation and awakening!"
VICTORIA REYNOLDS Host and creator of Fearless and Free TV. https://victoriareynolds.com
Recreating Earth - Metatron's Blueprint for a Whole New World
"Humanity is at a choice point. Will we default into global totalitarianism and becoming digitised humans or consciously create a world based on humanitarianism and restore our diving human design? Recreating Earth is channeled directly through Victoria Reynolds from Metatron, keeper of the Akashic Records, to the people of Earth. He has given Victoria a vision and description of Earth once humanity moves through the present phase of transition."
Rise Up - A Simplified Guide to the Great Awakening, Spiritual Revolution and the Ascension
Telos - Welcoming New Earth by Bryan Tilghman. interview: https://outofthisworld1150.com
"Bryan Tilghman was introduced to the Lemurians of Telos and to Master Adama, the High Priest of Telos. In 2016 he was invited to move to Mt. Shasta to begin working with Master Adama to bring forth the wisdom of Lemur to assist us in our planetary ascension process."
From Adama, High Priest of Telos: "Beloved Children of Gaia, We invite you now to reconnect with your Lemurian family here in the city of Telos. We are a fifth dimensional, Inner Earth city deep in the heart of your Mount Shasta, California. For thousands of years we have patiently awaited this most suspicious time in our planet's history. We have now stepped firmly through the doorway of a new, great age. Together we are setting the foundation for the next glorious Golden Age to come. This is to be your New Earth. It will be an age of peace, enlightenment, beauty, love and unity consciousness that few of you can imagine at this time. We, the Lemurians, also have an important role to play in this grand, cosmic scale event. One day, soon, we will come out of the mountain to make ourselves known to you once again"
Earth Speaks Up: Dynamic New Perspective on Earth and Your Role Here by Mary E. McNerney
"We awaken to knowing Earth as a sentient and communicating being. An Earth who is eager to consciously connect with you and with all of humanity. Through this book, Earth and the angelic realm become your teachers, providing the wisdom, guidance and tools to help you."
This is a unique story about a different reality. The tale of a benign and loving being from a planet trillions of miles away in a different galaxy, and how this being manages the task it has been assigned of assisting the developing consciousness of the human race.
This high vibrational, easy to understand guide, gives you practical advice on how to navigate the current times, the transition between 3D to 5D. It encourages you to step into your own magical space and concisely explains spiritual concepts, with exercises and meditations you can try for yourself to enhance your connection to spirit, and develop your spiritual gifts.
Earth - Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library
Path of Empowerment