My Saltcross

I would like to tell you about the salt cross in my water bowl which is on the floor of my healing room.


    Many years ago I went to stay in a holiday home with my family in Plön.  Plön is in the north of Germany and it is called the Switzerland of the North because of all its beautiful lakes.  Our holiday home belonged to a vicar and his wife and they had called it "Haus Shalom" which means the "House of Peace".


    We arrived in Plön in the late afternoon and after I had unpacked everything I put a bowl of water on the floor of our drawing-room, and then put a handful of salt into it.  I did this to clear the air.  Before going to bed I exchanged the water and put another handful of salt into the bowl.


    The next morning I was busy getting breakfast ready when my husband happened to look at the salt bowl and noticed there was a very thick white cross in it, made out of the salt!  He was amazed and soon all our children were also crowding around the bowl and staring at it in wonder.  I could feel the cold energy from the salt bowl touching my face and when I put my hands over it I could also feel it, right the way up to the ceiling and all around it!





The salt cross stayed in the water the whole week we were in Plön.  Then the time came for us to go home and I wondered what to do with the salt bowl.  I could not take it back with us.  The slightest movement would scatter the grains of salt and the salt cross would disappear.  I really didn't know what to do.


    After many hours of deep thinking I decided to pour the water away.  I somehow knew the cross had come from Archangel Michael.  If he wanted me to have this cross he would give it to me again at home.


    I prayed to Archangel Michael to forgive me for having thrown his cross away.  I then asked him to let another cross appear in my salt bowl in my healing room back home.


    When we got home I filled the same turquoise bowl with water and then added a handful of salt again.  The next morning I went into my healing room.  I was so excited and full of suspense!  I looked at the bowl and to my great happiness there was a very thick white salt cross again!  I was deeply grateful for this great honour.


    I top up the bowl with fresh water every few months and the water is always clean and full of energy.


    When I took a photo of my salt cross for my website I later saw an orb on it which comes from Archangel Gabriel.


     I looked after my salt cross bowl for more than ten years by adding fresh water to it every month as some of it evaporated. Then one day I found a dead fly floating at the top of it. I took this as a sign to stop having water in my salt cross bowl. I carefully poured the water away. The salt cross was still there but it was no longer as thick as it had once been. 


I asked Archangel Michael what I could do and he said I could add some more salt to the salt cross.

I did so and it looks now just as it used to.


I am very grateful for this beautiful salt cross and have named my website after it and my book of channeled poems - Salt Cross Poems.





There are signs and wonders all around us, we just need to become aware of them.  I would like to recommend the following books to you:


Signs and Wonders, Finding Peace, Joy, and Direction from Coincidences, Synchronicities, and Angel Murmurs - and Other Ways God Speaks by Albert Clayton Gaulden.

    "Signs and Wonders is an important step towards a new consciousness that will change the planet" - Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist.

    "A brilliant survey of the many ways divine guidance moves in our lives" - James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy.


Signs: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts - (Common Sentience)

 by Simran


The Secret Language of Signs - How to Interpret the Coincidences and Symbols in Your Life - by Denise Linn

     "In every moment the universe is whispering to you.  Even ordinary events in your life carry communications from the realm of the Spirit…"

"Whether we are conscious of it or not, the universe is communicating to us through signs.  In this mind-opening book, renowned healer and author Denise Linn shows that "coincidence," synchronicity, and those premonitions we've all experienced are never accidents but a kindly world's way of trying to nudge us in the right direction."



Archangel Michael Speaks - 33 Living Transmissions From The Archangel Of The Sun by Melanie Beckler

"Archangel Michael connects in this direct transmission. to offer you loving guidance and direct support for navigating through the transformative period happening now. Humanity has reached a key choice point in the collective journey of transformation. There is an opportunity now to move beyond being constrained by programs of illusion, lack, uncertainty and fear. Archangel Michael Speaks will initiate you who are ready, into the Paradigm of Love and the path of the open heart.


Meditation to Connect with Archangel Michael: Audio CD by Diana Cooper


The Miracles of Archangel Michael by Doreen Virtue

    "Archangel Michael has long been a protector of, and friend to, all who ask.  Healer, warrior and guardian, Michael is the bringer of peace and the conqueror of darkness.  In this enlightening, uplifting work, author Doreen Virtue teaches the many ways in which Michael brings harmony to people everywhere, including fascinating true stories of how he protects people while driving, guides their careers and safeguards their children - and even reveals his little-known talents for repairing machines!"

    "You'll learn how to contact Archangel Michael and discover ways to work with him to provide physical and emotional healing for you and your family, friends and clients and how he has helped thousands around the world to do the same.  The stories in this book will open your heart to the plure, unconditional love that Michael offers to all who ask, and will help you feel safe, protected and very much loved!" 


The Archangel Michael by Rudolf Steiner

"……..1879 marked the return of the solar spirit Michael - the Archangel of the Sun - to oversee earthly evolution. Steiner always placed his life and work in the service of Michael's evolutionary task. And he recognised that, at the beginning of the twentieth century, humanity emerged from the Kali Yuga - the Dark Age - and entered the Age of Light. Against this background, Steiner described the ascent of Michael as cosmic ruler, his battle with the "dragon" of the spirits of darkness, and his roles as the countenance of Christ and the guardian of cosmic intelligence. He also gave many profound indications of how Michael's evolutionary task depends on the free and independent collaboration of human co-workers."


Archangel Michael: Improve Your Life With The Help of Archangel Michael, (Pocket Guide to Practical Spirituality) by Elizabeth Clare Prophet


The Sacred Science of The Michael Prophecies by David Wilcock.

This might be ready by the middle of January, 2024.

This is an online video version of the seven e-books of the Michael Prophecies.



Enlightenment through Orbs - The awesome truth revealed by Diana Cooper and Kathy Crosswell

     Orbs started to appear regularly in photographs with the advent of digital cameras.  World renowned author Diana Cooper and spiritual teacher Kathy Crosswell have examined thousands of photographs containing them.  In this book they explain who the Orbs are, their purpose and how they can help you.


Ascension Through Orbs by Diana Cooper and Kathy Crosswell.

 "This book will enable you to develop your intuition and higher psychic and spiritual gifts and very much more."

Please see more about orbs, blue dots and blue pearls under Meditations on this website.